Monday 19 March 2012

Project Two - BBC Three Horror themed Idents

BBC Three Idents

This is my first BBC Three horror themed ident. It was made using plasticine and filmed in stop motion frames, using a Hue animation web cam. I edited it in windows movie maker; it took me around a day to put together.

And this is my second BBC Three horror themed ident, this one has a completely different story line to the previous, it's also alot shorter. But it was still made and edited in the same way as the first ident was.

Friday 16 March 2012

Equipment needed in Graphics.

A computer is the first thing you need in graphic design. When computers were introduce they had a major effect on graphic design, making design much simpler but also expanding the opportunities of design. Without computers in modern graphic design you would struggle considerably. A computer is the basis for all software.
A scanner is an input device for visual data, in a graphic design sense you could use for scanning in drawings or other image to a computer so that you can edit or enhance  them within a program such as Photoshop.
Memory stick.
A memory a stick is a simple device used for storing images, word documents, videos and music.
Cameras are important in Graphic Design, we can take our own photos to use in our work, quality isn’t that important unless I’m going to blow my image up quite large, my camera is 11 mega pixels.

Principals of graphic design.
One very important principle or design rule that graphic designers aim to follow is balance. Balance is what gives a design stability. It makes an image look fluid and free rather than heavy and uneven. Symmetry is an element of this principals, it covers the layout of the design.
Rhythm and unity are the design principles that bring everything together. By repeating an image within designs rhythm and a sense of organization is created . The design principle of unity dictates that everything on the page is visually joined to something else therefore giving the work a feeling of wholeness.

Software that I use in my graphic design work.
Photoshop is an editing program that I’ve used in my project it the probably the most essential program to use in graphic design as its where I take my primary images and turn them into all kinds of designs. The list of things that you can do on Photoshop is endless but we mostly use it to edit the colour and texture of an image and layout whatever type of thing we’re doing in lesson whether it be a postcard, or poster ect.

Microsoft word
 Microsoft word is primary Word processer that we use in lesson, we use it mostly when doing research or evaluation of work.

Adobe Flash cs5

Flash is something we will be using in our work it is used in processes such as web design and game design, it is about designing online on a larger scale than Photoshop, and adding movement.

What is Graphic Design?
Graphic Design is a creative form of art which covers a lot of media, Graphic designers usually work from a client creating several different designs that fit the criteria of the clients request.
Graphic design covers a lot of areas:
Graphic illustration.
Graphic Illustration is more or less drawing on a computer, it can however be mixed media taken into Photoshop and enhanced on there.

Graphics and Photography.
Photography is an essential part of graphic design, most graphic designers take original photos to use in their work, photography is used throughout most types of graphic design.
Package Design.
Package design is a very commercial form of design that requires more sophisticated skills like precision but it still does have a creative side, typography is used in package design a lot.
Advertising/ Marketing.
Graphic design plays a heavy part in advertising and marketing graphic designers work for companies to produce designs that showcase the companies product.

Print Publication Design.

Print Publication design is a type of design used when designing magazine pages, so basically layout and editing, it incorporates many other forms of graphic design such as photography, advertisement and typography.
Logo/Typography Design.
Typography is apart of graphic design that is used in a lot of other graphic subjects, it adds a more aesthetically pleasing feel to words/information within designs.
Web Design.
Web design uses very technical programs to design websites, this not only involves creating the website initially but maintaining it and updating it regularly.
App Design.
App design is a very modern form of design it is generally used to design applications for smart phones, this applications can include games/ or helpful applications such as train timetables some apps are just smaller versions of websites that you can access on your Smartphone.
Game Design.
Games Design is a form of design in which you animate characters that can you can control. Different programs for game design include: game maker, flash and RPG VX maker.

Computer health and saftey

Computer Health and Safety

This diagram shows you how to use a computer safely and to prevent harm to yourself.